Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Originally uploaded by t-court.

this is meely testing out your new flickr setting.

i miss you.


Sunday, April 8, 2007


WELL after my little rant yesterday i feel better...i mean it hasn't gotten better but you know i got some shit off my chest..

well i have been thinking about getting me a geared i am not giving up on the fixie,but time trials are coming up and i would like to try going on some bike trips...but not only that i am a messenger with 1 bike....i could always jump on the girls milano but yeah hey anyone out there know of deals holla.....

coffee time....

Saturday, April 7, 2007

ok i finished watching when the levee's broke,and yep they broke alright..i guess me and the girl was always avoiding it..but really i always wanted to watch the footage of the acts that were going on while we were stuck there..well i had my moment the past couple of days..i was reliving it all over again..right now i am so alone in this,very scarry..mills is in NOLA this weekend at a wedding..the other night we started to watch it and she was getting so upset that i decided to turn it i took the oppertunity to watch when i was i have come up with all these realizations about all of this...
1}i am still going through this everyday of my life...
2}it is hard to talk to people about it,why?cuz they can't even imagine what went on.
3}NOLA is special,i miss my culture,heritage,music,food,
but now i am going through a whole bunch of emotions..i love what i am doing now..but i have all these haunting memories about what has happened and what is going non now..but really all in all we are lucky about what happened to us..we got rescued,and not by no other goverment agency and end up in tennesee or something like that..we got our animals out and alive..
man when the movie started to describe how it felt i could finally relate..i explain to people that man i know what heat is..i actually know how much abuse and deplesion of my body can go through..i have this good friend,and man i really think of him kind of a mentor,no need in name throwing,but man he listens and i can tell..and sence we have been hanging,he pulls alot out of me,and mills to the other night.but i told him the other day about our last day there,and how we had to imprve our escape.and man i really felt when i was telling him the story he really got a sence of what i went through..
cuz you know when i went back home it was was like everybody has there stories,but they evacuated..people that have gone back are a victim in another way than mills and i..we went through it,and they have heard all these rumors of what happened to us.but really all they are dealing with is the they are victims of that part of really i felt akward telling our all means i don't feel like i went through more than they did,but what i am doing now i fell is the best thing for me..and that is staying away ...
you know i even tried to sread the word about our expeirence for the man the girl turned into her own thing based on racism....she edited that film and never ever mentioned anything about my story...obviouslly she didn't care about the hurricane,it was about positive but man i felt like me being here and how i am dealing with this in a positive way to show my people that hey i am thinking of yall,i miss them,i want to be with them,and i wont forget,but this girl ruined it for me,now it is something i don't even want my parents to see...
you know i have grown up so fast in the past 2 years...and my life has chaged so much too...
i am a bike messenger..i ride through my emotions..i think all day long..i work for the elite company,and man i am riding with the best of them..i ride and ride..i think and think...its a challenge,and i think that what has happend to me i feel like i can work through anything..i have never rode my bike in snow and freezing rain...but i have carried 6 cats on my bike to get out of NOLA...i have never rode my bike up a hill with gust of 30 mph,but i have sat in a house in 1 of the most severe i have always loved cooking and rididng bikes,i seen years ago this documentry was all about messengers,and i said to myself,that would be so cool to do it...2 years ago i would have never imagined this...i am still in shock about it..i wouldn't want to be doing anything else...its not so much the lifestyle that comes with it...its that i am on my bike,the best therapy i i can go on and on...but i know when i am down and out...this is the best thing for cycling friends and my bike.....and i love my girl and my animals...if it wasn't for them man i don't know where i would be...
i just need people to understand what is going on.....we are here,and yes we do have a chip on our shoulders...and if you can't realize this,then you are really not worth my time...and when you think that life is hard here,think of the thousands of people that are still fucked by this event..and maybe even cosider that hey this guy and girl have been through alot of life changing things and maybe i can learn a couple of things from that...but most of all....never forget about us.....T-COURT

Friday, March 9, 2007

i been meaning to post this shit...but i haven't felt to inspired...
but here it is...i am still feeling numb about the way i feel about
going didn't feel like it was home..and that is what is depressing...
not many people can relate,which i don't expect that,but it can be lonely
not having anybody there to here is what i took...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

i am back...

well i am back in d.c...and it felt like i didn't skip a soon as i got back i hit the road it felt like..
in a sence it was good...i was tired but i did it..getting adjusted to going from 60 degrees to 20 degrees
in less than 4 hours is pretty crazy..but being gone kind of weakened me a was miserable to get
out and ride for me...but i sucked it up and took like a champ..i missed my riding everyday through this place..
know what i would be doing back home and what i am doing up here,i'll take here anyday..but what i went
through down there has helped me for what i am going through here..being a rookie is hard work,and trying
to earn your place here with some of the best courier's...i fell blessed everday for being i am
back to reading bike porn and chillin in my apt..tonight is bike repair and getting my gear straight for the week..
well i 'll post with some pics soon...i am still brain storming my attack...t-court

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

never forget

well i am here in nola..and man i am homesick at aint the same up in here..i want to leave here feeling like a
suvivor,not a victim..its not even fun makes me know i haven't been here for over a year
and now i know the reasons why..i am better off where i am at...i made a promise to myself to never take things for
granted,and now i know that it is true..i might not have much where i am at now,but i still have my thoughts and memories..
i might not have this and that,i mean my cloths are still donated,i bought my bike with FEMA money and i ride the shit out of that thng everyday..i can only speak for myselfand me only....but this place is fucked..ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY...
fuck that..its not safe it aint right..everything is done here..people can't rebuild..and everybody has some fucked up reason why they,didn't have insurance,man the list goes on and on..i live in the nations capitol and its like its old news..
i tell people there what is going on and it doesn't even register to them that people in their own country are suffering..its
all about wht you have and what you do there..people hear don't have nothing..and people wonder why people here are pissed..
there are no resources,you get sick or hurt,where are the doctors for the working man,no more hospitols,..crime is still is a dark place..and i think everybody has forgotten and just don't care about NOLA..its ashama tornado
touched down yesterday and it is up to us to pick up the pieces,people where still in there FEMA trailers..and the houses that they where trying to rebuild are now flattened..did you really hear about that?all you hear about is the negative..crime!its way more fucked up than that..all the schools in the lower income hoods are still closed..but the private scools are can count more abandon buildings than occupied...of course the rich uptown its bizness as usual..everubody is at fault..if you where able to come back and pick up the pieces it was easy for them...but of course if you lived in the hood you where forgotten..
i feel the people that have clout here and the people that didn't lose anything forget about the reality of this..i am pissed,and at this point even if everyone promises to do there part,i would have to say they are liars..i am over when you want to complain about the way things are about politics,war,poverty,or whatever,just realize,you have a third world country in your own backyard..i have to live with this reality everyday,so when you see me just realize who i am and what i am about..
i have a reason to be pissed..we were left behind,we got out,and this is what i come back to...but really my opinion is just 1 in a million...but i survived...and i need to feel whole again...